Important Notice
To All JobMarket Advertisers and Readers

A recruitment advertisement which does not identify the employer or the employment agency on its behalf is a blind advertisement (“Blind Ad.”). Placing a Blind Ad. that directly soliciting job applicant’s personal data would constitute unfair collection of personal data, contrary to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486) and the  relevant Code of Practice on Human Resource Management issued by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data. In case of breach, the relevant advertisers would receive an enforcement notice from the Privacy Commissioner.

Job applicant is advised not to respond to such Blind Ad.






To: Advertising Customers

Re : Discrimination laws

Sex Discrimination Ordinance, Disability Discrimination Ordinance, Family Status Discrimination Ordinance, and Race Discrimination Ordinance have come into full operation, which mainly concern the following areas:

1) employment
2) education
3) provision of goods, services, or facilities
4) disposal or management of premises
5) access to premises (applicable to Disability Discrimination Ordinance)
6) eligibility to vote for and to be elected or appointed to advisory bodies
7) activities of clubs and sports
8) activities of Government

Therefore, anyadvertisements of the aforesaid areasshould not contain discriminatory contents including gender, marital status, pregnancy, disability, family status and race. Job posts should not refer to the (i) gender, (ii) marital status, (iii) pregnancy, (iv) family status, (v) disability and(vi) race of candidates.

Both the publisher and advertising customer will be prosecuted for publishing anydiscriminatory advertisement. The maximum fine is HK$10,000 for the first conviction and HK$30,000 for any subsequent conviction.

We reserve the right to revise or refuse to publish, without prior notice, any advertisements submitted by advertising customers which may violate the aforesaidordinance(s).

For any enquiry, please contact Equal Opportunities Commission. Tel: 2511 8211, website: