Meinhardt Infrastructure And Environment Limited 遘進基建環保工程顧問有限公司
Full Time,Contract Sheung Shui

Candidates should have 

(a)(i) a Certificate from CIC/HKIC/IVE/TI/TC/Poly or equivalent in an appropriate discipline; OR 

(a)(ii) completed a recognized technician apprenticeship in an appropriate discipline; OR

(a)(iii) completed a recognized craft apprenticeship with 2 years’ experience as a skilled worker in appropriate discipline; OR 

(a)(iv) 5 years’ experience as a skilled worker in appropriate discipline; 


(b)(i) at least 3 years’ relevant post-academic qualification experience; OR 

(b)(ii) at least 3 years’ relevant experience as Resident Works Supervisor II or equivalent in public works projects or those listed in Section 4.5.2 of the RSS Management Handbook.



(一)(甲) 持有香港建造業議會/香港建造學院/香港專業教育學院/工業學院/科技學院/香港理工大學/理工學院所頒發的相關界別的證書或同等學歷;或 

(一)(乙) 完成一項認可的技術員學徒訓練;或 

(一)( 丙) 完成一項認可的工藝學徒訓練並具有兩年熟練技工之相關工作經驗;或  

(一)( 丁) 具有五年熟練技工之相關工作經驗;

(二)(甲)具有最少三年於取得以上學歷或資格後之相關工作經驗; 或 

(二)(乙) 具有最少三年在公共工程項目或駐工地人員管理手冊中4.5.2章節列出的認可工程項目中擔任駐地盤二級監工職位或同等職位的相關工作經驗。

The job requirements of the above position should be referred to the minimum qualification required and minimum experience listed in Appendix 7.4 of the “Management Handbook for Direct Employment of Resident Site Staff by Consultants for Public Works Projects” issued by Development Bureau (Works Branch).

申請人亦可參閱發展局網頁【顧問公司直接聘用駐工地人員的管理手冊】附錄7.4 所載的其他規定。


The possession of a Construction Industry Safety Training Certificate or equivalent certification is required. 



The incumbent will be required to work irregular hours, overtime and shifts (including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) and to carry out supervision duties in Mainland China or overseas, if necessary. 



We offer salary and benefits in accordance with the conditions of employment promulgated by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region at the time of employment.  Personal information contained in applications received will be used for employment-related purposes, and details of suitable candidates will be referred to the relevant Government Department for consideration.  A copy of our Personal Information Collection Statement Pertaining to Recruitment will be supplied upon written request.  Please send full resume by 8 November 2024, stating earliest availability, expected salary, contact telephone number, our reference code, copies of academic and/or professional qualification certificates and employment references to: 

Head of Human Resources

Meinhardt Infrastructure & Environment Ltd.

10/F Genesis, 33-35 Wong Chuk Hang Road

Hong Kong 

OR send e-mail to: [email protected]





或電郵至: [email protected]

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Drainage Services Department

Contract No. DC/2023/14 – North District Sewerage Stage 1, Phase 2C and Stage 2, Phase 1 – Village Sewerage in Sheung Shui Heung


合約編號 DC/2023/14 - 北區污水收集系統第1階段第2C期及第2階段第1期-上水鄉鄉村污水收集系統


Meinhardt Infrastructure & Environment Ltd. has been appointed by the Drainage Services Department as the Consultant for the above Contract. Contract No. DC/2023/14 mainly includes construction of about 8.5km of public sewerage systems in Sheung Shui Heung including Wai Loi Tsuen, Mun Hau Tsuen, Chung Sum Tsuen, Ha Pak Tsuen, Sheung Pak Tsuen, Tai Yuen Tsuen, Hing Yan Tsuen and Po Sheung Tsuen and ancillary works. The works commenced in October 2023 for completion in December 2027. We now invite applications for the following Resident Site Staff positions:

邁進基建環保工程顧問有限公司獲渠務署委任為上述項目的工程顧問。合約編號DC/2023/14的主要工程項目包括在上水鄉(包括圍內村、門口村、中心村、下北村、上北村、大元村、興仁村及莆上村) 建造約8.5公里長的公共污水收集系統以及進行附屬工程。工程已於2023年10月展開,並於2027年12月完成。現就上述工程合約招聘下列駐地盤工程人員。

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