Candidates should have:
Ordinary Certificate in an appropriate engineering discipline from a Hong Kong Polytechnic or a Technical Institute or equivalent; and
A proficiency in English and Chinese languages equivalent to Form 5 standard (Syllabus B for English Language) in Hong Kong or minimum Form 3 Education with 5 years’ appropriate working experience and service; and
At least 3 years of relevant post-qualification working experience as Works Supervisor in a Government or quasi Government project.
(一) 持有工業學院或科技學院所頒發的相關工程證書,或同等學歷;及
(二) 具有良好中五程度的英文(英國語文(課程乙))及中文能力,或完成中三課程並具有五年相關工作經驗;及
(三) 在取得上述資格後,在政府或半官方機構工程項目中擔任最少三年監工或以上之職位。
Appointment will be made on contract term in accordance with the prevailing Government’s conditions and terms applicable for Resident Site Staff. The incumbents will be required to work irregular hours, overtime and shifts (including Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) and to carry out supervision duties in Mainland China or overseas if necessary.
聘用條款將按獲聘時政府駐工地員工相關的條款及條件而定。如有需要,任職者可能需要不定時、超時和輪班 (包括星期六、日和公眾假期) 工作,並可能需要到中國內地或海外進行監督工作。
Interested candidates please email to [email protected] (with relevant reference number) for on-line application on or before 20 March 2025.
申請者請於2025 年3 月20 日前將履歷 (連同參考編號) 電郵至[email protected] 作網上申請。
Applications will be treated in confidence and collected personal data will be used for recruitment purposes only.
Applicants not being invited for interview within 6 months may consider their applications unsuccessful.
Building & Construction>Architectural Services
Building & Construction>Building / Construction / QS
Building & Construction>Others
Engineering / Tech>Building Services
Engineering / Tech>Others
HK$ -
Full Time,Contract
Water Supplies Department
Water Supply to New Housing Developments in Sheung Shui and Fanling
AtkinsRealis Asia Limited invites applications for the following Resident Site Staff positions. The proposed work mainly comprise construction of a new fresh water service reservoir at Tong Hang and laying of about 14km water mains in Sheung Shui and Fanling areas. The works contracts in New Engineering Contract (NEC) form have commenced for phased completion in 2025.
阿特金斯睿萊亞洲有限公司接受以下駐地盤職位的申請。主要工程包括在塘坑建造新食水配水庫及在上水及粉嶺地區敷設約14 公里長水管。工程合約將以「新工程合約」形式進行,工程已展開並預計於2025 分階段完成。