Ms. Bonnie So

Ms So hosts Bachelor of Arts, Master Degree of New Media and Strategic Perspectives in Non-profit Management Course in Harvard Business School.

Ms So joined the Hong Kong Red Cross in 1990, and was the Head of International& Relief Service Department, Head of Communications & Resource Development Department, Deputy Secretary General, and promoted to Secretary General in 2015.

Ms So has participated in a wide range of disaster relief and reconstruction projects all over the world. She is a member of the Field Assessment and Coordination Team of the International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and the founding member of the IFRC Asia Pacific Fundraisers’ Network.

In 2006, Ms So was awarded The Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong. In 2012, she established the Face-to-Face Monthly Giving Alliance in Hong Kong as founding Chairperson.

Currently, Ms So is the member of the Executive Committee of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Vice Chairman of its Steering Committee on Work in Mainland China. She is the Consultant of the Association Concerning Sexual Violence Against Women, Fundraising Consultant of the InspiringHK Sports Foundation, and member of the Programme Advisory Panel of the Radio Television Hong Kong.