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How to create/update subsidiary company profile?

To create or update your subsidiary company information or description, you may go to Account Setting : Company Profile.

To create a new Subsidiary Company under parent account, there is an [+] Add buttion on the left hand side and you may see [ Subsidiary's Company ] next to it.

Just like creating a new company, you may request to provide the full [ Company Display Name (Eng) ] and / or [ Company Display Name (Chi) ] which shall be same as the Business Registration Certificates (you may allow to change the Company Display Name after the registration if you find appropiate.), and you may request to provide the Business Registration Certificates by uploading its image copied to Job Market for further verification.

Similar to Company Profile, subsidiary company profile may allow you to provide a brief description about your company into the box named [ Company Description ], and your own [ Seasonal Template ] (each subsidiary company account will have maximum 5 templates which similar to parent company) without modifying your master description.

Subsidiary may also request to provide the type of [ Industry ] which subsidiary company belongs to.

Last but not least, you may also able to upload your own Subsidiary [ Company Logo ] to Job Market for your wish if you want to show your Company Logo in the job ads.