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How to set schedule post / repost?

Job Market has provided a new feature to advertiser, and it is located at Step 2 of Instant Post. And from now on, when you schedule your job post or repost, it will be much easier. They are:

  • Scheduled by Date
  • Scheduled by Weekdays

To schedule a job by a specific date, Job Market allows you to preset maximum 5 different released start date (the maximum number will be depends on the number of available instant post unit advertiser has). Each job post will have maximum 30 days of released life cycle (start and end date included).

To schedule a job by Weekdays, Job Market allows you to select any weekday (such as Monday to Friday or Weekend days such as Saturday and Sunday) for your job post's published start date. Job Market will pick the closest Weekday date as your requirement and Job Market will automatically replicate 4 more job post at that specific weekday in the following 4 weeks (the maximum number will be 4 and depends on the available instant post unit balance that advertiser has. If advertiser 3 left, than maximum will be 2 more posts to be scheduled.)

You may also allow to repost any onlined job post at [ Job Listing ] by clicking the [ Re-post ] icon.