- Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices (53k/per month)
- 長沙灣政府合署 (53k/per month)
- Have Corporate Membership in the General Practice Division of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, or equivalent;
- Level 4 or above in Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSEE or the HKCEE; or Grade D or above in Use of English and Chinese Language and Culture in the Hong Kong Advanced Examination (HKALE); and
- one year's relevant post-qualification working experience is preferred.
Job Duties
- Valuing landed properties for rating, Government rent and other purposes; and
- managing implementation of database and system development and enhancement projects and tasks supporting valuation.
- 擁有香港測量師學會一般業務部的團體會員資格,或同等資格;
- 在香港中學文憑考試或香港中學會考-中文科和英國文科取得第4級或以上成績;或香港高級會考英國及中國語言及文化運用取得D或以上成績
- 有一年相關資格後工作經驗者優先。
- 為政府地租及其他項目之房地產進行估價,評級;和
- 管理資料庫和系統開發以及項目支援的評估和實施優化項目。