- Experience in desktop support operation and maintenance;
- Language requirements: Cantonese is a must, followed by English, and a few simple Mandarin sentences are sufficient
- Experience in venues, events, exhibitions and other activities is preferred;
- Hardware and network device set-up
- Software installation, testing and configuration
- Onsite system troubleshoot
- Relevant IT operation and maintenance certifications (ITIL, CCNA, etc.) is a plus.
- Diploma or above in I.T. related discipline, other disciplines with enough I.T. experience/knowledge will be considered.
- 1+ years relevant experience
- Knowledge of Microsoft Windows / Outlook / Office products is preferred
- Self-motivated and Works with minimal supervision
- Good team player, good communication skills and hard-working.
- 具備桌面支援及運維相關經驗
- 語言要求:必須精通粵語,其次為英語,能簡單使用普通話溝通即可
- 具備場館、賽事、展會等活動支援經驗者優先
- 硬體及網路設備安裝與設定
- 軟體安裝、測試與配置
- 現場系統故障排除
- 持有相關IT運維認證(如ITIL、CCNA等)更佳
- 持有資訊科技相關文憑或以上學歷,其他學科但具備足夠IT經驗/知識者亦可考慮
- 1年或以上相關工作經驗
- 熟悉Microsoft Windows / Outlook / Office等產品者優先
- 主動積極,能在最少監督下獨立工作
- 良好的團隊合作精神、溝通能力及勤奮態度
Interested parties please email a MS Word version resume and expected salary to [email protected] (+852 94548869) and quote the job reference no.