As a leading professional recruitment consultancy specialized in recruiting permanent and temporary positions, executive search and outsourcing services, our mission is to present the best talents to our clients, including Fortune 500 and multinational companies, HK listed organizations, small & medium sized enterprises, and help job seekers to find their dream job covering following sectors:
- Accounting & Finance
- Engineering
- Human Resources & Administration
- Information Technology
- Logistics & Supply Chain
- Merchandising & Manufacturing
- Property & Construction
- Retail Operation
- Sales & Marketing
Our Employment Agency Licence Number: 68741
我們的客人為極具規模之地產發展商, 提供良好福利及穩定工作環境, 現誠聘管業助理加入他們.
- 負責商場及商業樓宇之日常保安管理運作,及提供優質客戶服務
- 巡邏,處理維修事項,解答商戶問題,處理緊急事故
- 間中協助控制室工作
- 需輪班工作
- 一年或以上管理大型商廈 / 酒店 / 商業樓宇之保安工作經驗
- 須持有QAS 証書及有效保安人員許可證
- 歡迎無經驗而持有QAS 証書及有效保安人員許可證人士申請
如有興趣, 請把履歷表電郵至 [email protected]
或致電3188 3741 致電梁小姐查詢。
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Our Employment Agency License Number: 75422